
Oldswinford C of E Primary School

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Oldswinford C of E Primary School

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Year 5

5Field - Mrs Joshua

5Craufurd - Miss Harris

Year 5 supported by Mrs Graham


Important dates:



Key information: 

P.E. - Thursday & Friday

Children will come to school in their P.E. kits on their allocated P.E. days. Please ensure that children are wearing the correct P.E. kit (black shorts / red t-shirts, black trainers) and that long hair is tied up and earrings are removed on these days. During the colder months, black tracksuits are advised as we may be outside. 



We value reading and have fabulous reading areas for the children to enjoy. We actively promote reading at home, aiming for 15 minutes per evening. Each class has an engaging, fun reading incentive, where the children can move their names around on the display each day in recognition of their efforts with home reading and can earn a treat at the end of the week.

We have a daily reading lesson (Book Talk) which will develop your child’s passion for reading as well as their comprehension skills. The daily reading session will always start with the teacher reading to the children. We will be exploring and discussing the language, vocabulary, feelings and themes within a variety of high-quality texts. In addition to this, we will be listening to the children reading a range of texts and teaching them how to talk about books confidently and develop their comprehension skills to a deeper level.

Books will be changed on Fridays
Remember - Please make sure that reading diaries and books are in school everyday and that you comment in and sign your child’s reading records each time they read to you. 
Books will also be assigned on Rising Stars, our online reading system, but we ask that children complete the comprehension to ensure understanding of what they have read.

If children have read their book from school and their Rising Stars books, we encourage children to read books from home. Why not visit the library? It's the perfect opportunity to look at different texts and find an author you love!


Water bottles

Please send water bottles filled with fresh water everyday. 


New activities will be assigned each week. Please ensure children log in and engage with the activities. We recommend that children take part in 5-10 minutes of spelling and maths every day - little and often. This helps embed the children's learning into their long term memory ensuring that they are secure. Children have the opportunity to earn lots of fun, exciting prizes!




Our topic this half term is:

Is Oldswinford good for your well-being?

English -

In English we will be focusing on opening and endings, using the Pie Corbett text, ‘The Caravan’. We will learn the text through our Talk4writing format and will also send a copy home to learn. This unit of work focuses on our openings, setting the scene and our endings, reflecting back to the opening to loop. We will continue to encourage the children to use what we have learned in our English lessons too, such as: detailed descriptions, expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials, 2a sentences, similes, alliteration, metaphors and personification and they will then progress onto writing their own fiction story. After that, we will focus on a discussion text about some changes being made in Oldswinford - will the children be for our against them? Either way, the children will need to look and address both sides before drawing to a conclusion. At the start of each English lesson, children have the opportunity to edit their work based on the feedback given by the teacher - green for good, pink for think. 

Guided reading -

In guided reading we will be using the text, ‘The Boy Who Made Everyone Laugh’ by Helen Rutter. 


Maths -

In Maths, we will be working hard to ensure that all children are secure with their place value with numbers up to one million as well as exposing the children to plenty of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems regularly, as it is important that children are secure with the four number operations. We shall engage in lots of practical activities and use resources to help consolidate our learning. We will focus on decimals and converting units and will expose the children to plenty of reasoning problems to explain their workings. 


R.E. -

Our key question this half term is, ‘Why do some people think that life is a journey? What significant experiences mark this?' 


Science -

In science, our focus will be materials. 


French -

In French, our focus is 'les Jeux olympiques'. We will engage in lots of fun songs to help us learn.


P.E. -

In P.E. we will be participating in sports day practise and a variety of team based games.



Our key question this half term is, ‘What makes up a person’s identity?’ 


Topic - 

We will be looking at Oldswinford then and now. We will be identifying any changes and reading/drawing maps. We will be carrying out some fieldwork, going around Oldswinford, identifying different places that the area has to offer, speaking to members of the public and drawing conclusions from what we have discovered. Our field trip really focuses on well-being and is sure to be a lovely day for the children as we end our research with a picnic in the park and enjoying what Mary Stevens Park has to offer. We will also have a fabulous finish with a celebration of Oldswinford including, field sports activities, a coffee shop and a picnic on the field where we can eat our own freshly made scones. A lovely end to a lovely year in Year 5! 

Competition Time!

The competition is wide open with this one! We are asking you to make something that you find is good for your well-being. This could be sewing, knitting, cooking, crafting, drawing, painting, planting etc. The choice is endless!! 


All designs should be brought into school by Thursday 11th July for judging. Winners will be chosen from each class and they will earn a special prize! We can’t wait to see them! Good luck! 

Optional additional activities:

* Try a new hobby/activity 

* Write an Oldswinford leaflet encouraging people to visit the area 

* Enjoy the outdoors  

* Produce some artwork to promote well-being 

* Practise the four number operations and spellings 



Believe, achieve and shine brighter together.