2Crystal - Mrs Loynds
2Lion - Mrs Dunn
Year 2 is supported by Ms Rubery and Mrs Sheppard
Key information:
Children will need to come to school in their P.E. kits on their allocated P.E. days. Please ensure that children are wearing the correct P.E. kit (black shorts or joggers / red t-shirts, black trainers) and that long hair is tied up and earrings are removed on these days.
Reading Diaries - please send these to school everyday!
We value reading and have fabulous reading areas for the children to enjoy. We actively promote reading at home (aim for 15 minutes per evening). Children will be able to move their names up our reading challenge display each day in recognition of their efforts with home reading if their diaries are signed accordingly.
We have regular reading sessions which will develop your child’s passion for reading as well as their comprehension and fluency skills. Each day, the class teacher will read to the children. We love this part of the day and it is always well received by the children too! We will be exploring and discussing the language, vocabulary, feelings and themes within a variety of high-quality texts. In addition to this, we will be listening to the children reading a range of texts and teaching them how to talk about books confidently and develop their comprehension skills to a deeper level.
Books will be changed on Fridays.
Reminder - Please make sure that reading diaries and books are in school everyday and that you comment in and sign your child’s reading records each time they read to you.
If children have read their book from school, we encourage children to read the book again (if it isn't too long) to help develop their fluency. They are also encouraged to read books from home. Why not visit the library? It's the perfect opportunity to look at different texts and find an author you love!
Recorders - Friday
We are very lucky to be able to have DPA providing recorder lessons each week. Update videos / photos of the classes progress shall be posted regularly on Dojo, so be sure to keep a look out. Later on in the year, the children will perform a recorder concert in-front of the parents. We look forward to this special afternoon in the summer term 2025.
Water bottles
Please bring fresh water or squash from home each day. We politely remind you that only sports bottles (not screw top bottles) are acceptable as they help to avoid any nasty spillages!
Class Dojo
Children will continue to earn dojo points for positive behaviour, learning and displaying our school values. We will also keep you updated with our learning and achievements through our class and year group stories, so please ensure your notifications are active and you join both Dojo pages (class and year group). We would love for you to 'like' or 'comment' on any Dojo posts to show us that you have seen / read them!
Please note: Private Dojo messages will be responded to within 48hours so please contact the school office for any urgent / going home messages.
Our topic this half term is...
Ice, Ice Baby!
We will be learning all about the freezing and fabulous Arctic and Antarctic regions of the world. Children will learn about where these regions are located and what the human and physical features of these places are like compared to where we live. We will also learn about the famous explorer Matthew Henson and what he achieved. Finally, the children will create their very own penguins using clay. It is going to be snow much fun!
English -
This half term we will be learning to apply all of our knowledge from our previous unit on the Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar into our own writing. We are going to look at non-chronological reports this half term and identify the key features e.g. title, subheadings, facts, captions alongside photographs / pictures etc. We will be learning how to write our own reports based on animals that live in the Arctic or Antarctic.
Why not write some sentences at home about your favourite snowy animals? You could write about penguins, polar bears or seals to name but a few! We'd love to see your work and celebrate it with you!
Maths -
In our Maths lessons this half term, we will be continuing our learning around addition and subtraction. We will be learning to find 10 more and 10 less than a given number, add and subtracts 10s from a number and add and subtract 2 two-digit numbers. Finally, we will compare number sentences and solve missing number problems.
Children are expected to learn x2, x5 and x10 tables off by heart by the end of Year 2. They also need to count in steps of 3. Please remember you can also visit https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button to help your child learn their times table facts (focus on x2, x3, x5 and x10).
These are some other fun resources to help your child learn their tables:
2x table song: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/articles/zrrx92p
2x table song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDosXgAnq80
5x table song: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/articles/zhbm47h
5x table song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uoduP6sTjA
10x table song: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/articles/zm32cqt
10x table song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zs1uqnpnltI
Doodle Learning -
Children have all be given a log in for Doodle Learning. You will need to download Doodle Maths and Doodle Spell apps from the app store to access this resource. It is a fantastic way to help your child to progress and all the work is specifically set for your child based on their understanding. We ask for all children to complete 5-10 minutes per day per app. The children who do this regularly make huge progress.