Welcome to Year 1
** 1 Lion - Mrs Downing **
** 1 Crystal - Miss Southall**
* Supported by Mrs Perry (Miss Tait) and Miss Carton*
Key Information:
Reading will take place in various formats, every day in school. Your child will read to adults in groups and one-to-one where appropriate. Every day begins with 10 minutes of the teacher reading to the children for pleasure. Reading frequently at home is essential. The children will be rewarded by moving up the Reading Ladder each day their diaries have been signed, so please ensure they bring their reading diaries and reading book to school each day. Children are rewarded with dojo points and anyone at the top of the ladder on a Friday will receive a special reading star sticker and have the chance to bring home Pudding and Comet, our Reading Puppies!
Home reading books will be changed every Friday. School books should be read at least 3 times per week to help with fluency. Of course, other books from home can be read for pleasure.
Spelling and maths homework will be assigned on Doodle Learning each week once the children are settled. This gives the children opportunities to earn stars which they can trade in for online rewards and real treats in their class.
Water bottles
It is important that children bring a water bottle into school every day. These bottles will be sent home each night to be washed and refilled. Please ensure bottles are the 'sport's cap' variety and do not have large open tops as these easily spill. We find the metal bottles to be most hard wearing as bottles do often get dropped or knocked over and the plastic ones do break easily. Please do not send the children with the bottles that spray water. Children may bring water or sugar free squash in their bottles and we can refill them throughout the day with water.
PE for both classes will now be on Tuesdays and Fridays. Due to OPAL children will no longer need a separate PE kit but please ensure long hair is tied back and any earrings are removed on these days. Trainers with velcro or elastic are preferable.
Class Dojo
Your children can now earn dojo points for positive behaviour, learning and displaying our school values. We will also keep you updated with our learning and achievements through our class stories so please ensure your notifications are active. We love to hear your feedback so please respond with likes and comments. We also love to share things that children have done at home so feel free to send us photos of the children with awards and achievements that we can share with the class. We also love to see pictures of what you have been up to with Pudding and Comet, the Reading Puppies.
Please note: private Dojo messages will be responded to within 48 hours so please contact the school office for any urgent/going home messages.
This Term our topic isβ
'What is the best way to travel?'
This is our History topic. We will begin by identifying the types of transport we know about and their purposes. Then we will take a journey through history, learning about when different types of transport were invented, who invented them and the story behind them. We will end the topic by deciding which type of transport we think is best!
Homework ideas to further your learning: Bring them in to earn extra dojo points!
Do your own research on transport throughout history & create a fact sheet.
Sketch and label pictures of vehicles.
Make a model of your favourite type of transport.
Talk to relatives about older types of transport they remember.
Design a car / train / plane of the future.
In English, we will be working hard on our reading, writing and spelling through phonics and will be focusing on writing in sentences, using finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.
To begin we will be writing a Non-Chronological Report about Pirates, trying hard to use all the things we learnt about sentences during our Grammasaurus work last term. We will learn all about pirates and then write descriptive sentences and use adjectives to describe the pirate's clothes, food and swag!
This half term, we will continue to use practical equipment in maths to develop our understanding before moving on to pictorial and abstract representation.
In Maths this half term we will be focusing on place value to 20 and practising writing and solving addition and subtraction number sentences. We will move onto place value to 50 and work on length and height; mass and volume. We will practice fluency, reasoning and problem-solving.
To support your child with this at home you could:
Our Science topic this half term will be: Everyday Materials
We will:
In RE this half term, we will be asking the question:
Who are Muslims and what do they believe?
Children will learn to: