Welcome to Oldswinford Church of England Primary School.
Dear Parents and Carers,
My name is Ellie Game and I am proud to be the Headteacher of Oldswinford C.E. Primary School. It is with great pleasure I welcome you to our school.
Oldswinford is a successful and happy school located in Stourbridge, West Midlands. Our school has a distinctive Christian ethos and caring atmosphere where each child is valued for their individual talents and abilities.
At Oldswinford we encourage each child to live life to the full through our Christian vision
'Believe, achieve and shine brighter together' and our Christian values of love, forgiveness, courage, respect, trust, joy and generosity. We aim for them to be confident, kind, responsible children who care about their school, local community and the wider world.
Through our vision and values, our skilled and highly committed staff aim to create an exciting and inclusive environment which provides high quality learning experiences for all our children, which gives them all the tools they need for the next steps in their learning journey.
We value the support of our parents, governors and St Mary’s Church. Together we work in partnership to ensure we provide the best possible education for every pupil and provide opportunities for pupils to grow both personally and spiritually.
If you require paper copies of any of the information or documents on this website, please contact the main school office and we will be happy to provide this to you, free of charge.
We welcome visitors to school so please contact school if you would like to look around. We will be proud to show you our school and we hope that during your visit you will see our vision and values in action.