
Oldswinford C of E Primary School

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Oldswinford C of E Primary School

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Year 3

 Welcome to Year 3!!!


The Year 3 team:

3 Crystal  - Miss Higginbotham (You can call me Miss H) 


3 Lion -  Mrs Smith


with Mr Ramsay,  Mrs Bedford and Mrs Dunn


Important information:


Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday. Please come to school in PE kit on these days.

We are continuing with Forest School this term. The first week back is 3L (week beginning 3.6.24), then the next 6 weeks will be 3C (from week beginning 10.6.24). This will either be on a Wednesday or Thursday afternoon - a parent mail will be sent directly to you including more details. During the time that their class has forest school sessions, children will not need to come in PE kits on Wednesdays. 3L will need PE kits on Wednesdays from 12th June.


Bring a water bottle with a sports top each day.


Reading diaries and reading books should be in school every day.


Reading book change day will be Thursday. (This may change.)


Spellings will be set weekly on Doodle (usually on a Friday). The children should aspire to remain in the green zone by working on the little but often principle. We expect them to complete maths and spelling weekly. Rewards will be given for staying in the green zone as well as a bonus award for 1000 stars. 


Sci fi stories is our text type for writing for our first text this half term. We will be learning how to create action and drama as well as building on our work this term with writing dialogue. Our model text is based on the sci fi novel 'Journey to the Centre of the Earth' by Jules Verne. Following our sci fi story, we will work towards writing a discussion text, using it to answer our Geography question - 'Is it better to holiday in the UK or abroad?' 

Our class readers will be: Planet Omar- Accidental Trouble Magnet by Zanib Mian / Undercover Super Spy and The Abominables by Eva Ibbotson. Our book talk sessions will be based around a variety of short fiction books, including our class readers. Children have their reading scheme book and may also borrow a book from the reading corner in the classroom and our school library. Book change for reading scheme books will be on a Thursday. We encourage the children to record their own reading in their Reading Diary - pages read and short reviews would be lovely to see. We also encourage adults to record in this diary when hearing children read.



We are continuing with our learning about shape this half term, followed by time and statistics.

Our maths understanding starts with practical apparatus before children move onto drawing or writing. Problem solving and explaining their reasoning is an important part of showing mathematical understanding.


To support in maths, please work on number bonds and times tables, specifically 2,3,4,5,8 and 10. Any practice with telling the time would be very beneficial. We are also challenging the children to learn their square numbers this year. Using money and telling the time are also valuable activities that can be practised at home. Pizza or cake cutting can easily reinforce our work on dividing equally and fractions and any cooking will present chances to use their mass (weighing) and capacity skills. Can they work out what each increment (line) on your jug or scale means?



Our RE question will be- 'What is it like to follow God?'. In PSHE, we will be thinking about our why we should keep active and sleep well


In Science, after finishing our work on plants, we will be studying rocks, soils and fossils.  Through DT, we aim to prepare two recipes - cheese twists and curried tuna pitta breads. In ART we will be complete our printing unit and will be creating a diorama by making clay models.

Our geography topic this term continues. We are asking "Is it better to holiday in the UK or abroad?" We will be looking at a range of holiday locations in the UK as well as throughout the world. We will be learning about capital cities and landmarks.

Our ICT lessons will be spent continuing to learn how to use animation software as well as looking at how email works. 

In French, our unit is called Je peux (I am able to) and will talk about hobbies. Lessons for Music will involve children singing and practicing their performance skills ahead of a chance to sing with some other schools.

In PE the children will be learning athletics skills and preparing for sports day. Remember, children doing forest schools will not have their Wednesday PE session.





Believe, achieve and shine brighter together.