We are very pleased to welcome our new member of staff, Buddy.
Buddy, who is a Tibetan Terrier, is our trainee Therapy Dog.
Therapy dogs are increasingly used in a range of settings including hospitals, care homes and schools. Research has shown that therapy dogs in schools lead to improved attainment and emotional well-being in pupils due to the calming and non-judgmental nature of the dog. Buddy is currently undergoing training for this role.
Buddy was bred and born in Gloucestershire by an accredited Araki Tibetan Terrier and Crufts International Championship Show Judge. Buddy's gentle and loving character made him the perfect choice for our school community. We look forward to updating you with Buddy's progress on here very soon.
The nurse has been in school doing height and weight checks for Year 6, so Buddy decided to get in on the act! Here he is, along with his measurements. Belinda didn't have a BMI scale for dogs, but she seemed to think he was a healthy weight and in proportion!

In the summer term, children in Year 2 made puppets. Can you tell who was the inspiration for this one?
During his first few weeks, Buddy was out enjoying Forest School with the children....Mmmmm, smores!
One of Buddy's first (and most important) jobs, was to help children overcome their fear of dogs. Doug the Pug came in to show him how to do it!
You can read all about Doug's adventures as a therapy dog here: http://dougthepugtherapydog.com/#!/all
Andrea from Dogs Trust came in to teach us all how to be safe around dogs.