In December 2022, the whole staff received Prevent Training in order to develop our understanding of how to educate children against hate and in turn prevent radicalisation and extremism.
As a school, we firmly believe in the need to lay the foundations for our children now in order to support them against potentially being radicalised in later life. We have numerous links throughout our school curriculum which enable children the opportunity to learn about and discuss these themes. We also refer to these themes alongside our school values as well as highlighting them as part of our work on British Values too.
Below is a link the 'Educate Against Hate' website which is full of frequently asked questions and top tips to help us support children and protect them from any hateful groups:
Our staff training really emphasised the potential dangers of children accessing information online, so below is another link to the same website, which refers to ways in which we can support our children and keep them safe online: