At OCEPS, all children can 'Believe, Achieve and Shine Brighter Together.
"The vision is so embedded that the impact of what is described by the school as 'just who we are' is in fact transformative and extra ordinary. As a direct result, all adults and pupils, including those deemed to be vulnerable, are deeply cherished and fully flourish. All thrive in a school which ensures everyone can ‘Believe, Achieve and Shine Brighter Together’. "
SIAMS Report, October 2022.
"I feel so grateful that my son is always thought of, and the effort you to go to make him feel included. It honestly touches my heart. We feel we hit the jackpot sending him to Oldswinford."
Parent Voice
Oldswinford Church of England Primary School (OCEPS) is an inclusive school. We are committed to ensuring that all children flourish by providing a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum of the highest quality to all our pupils, whatever their needs and abilities. We recognise that special educational needs may be experienced throughout or at any time during a child’s school life.
Our aims and expectations for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) are the same as those for all students. We endeavour to raise achievement, remove barriers and celebrate success for all by focusing on high aspirations and improving outcomes. We do this through living out our vision and values, by nurturing and empowering children, responding to their voice and developing a positive self-esteem.
We have two Special Needs Co-ordinators at Oldswinford:
If you need to contact them please do so via the school office on 01384 818790 or via
Every member of staff is part of the SEND team, however some have dedicated roles. We have an incredible team of dedicated, experienced Teaching Assistants who provide high quality support, provision and care to children with SEND. In addition, a team of Key Workers provide emotional support and consistency for identified children. Even Buddy, our school dog, plays an important role, especially in terms of developing confidence and well-being.
Dudley's Local Offer is a one stop resource of information and services available to children and young people (aged 0-25) with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND), their parents, carers and families.
In Dudley borough, we are committed to ensuring that children and young people with SEND have access to the best possible range of services, support, and opportunities to enable them to realise their fullest potential.
Our Local Offer allows parents, carers ,young people and professionals to find and access information and support more easily. It contains a wealth of information on areas such as education, health and social care, training and employment, leisure and support to prepare you for adulthood. It also includes information to support children and young people with the most complex of needs and with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
Click HERE to access the website.
Every month, Dudley produce a bulletin which focuses on SEND news, needs and provision. If you would like to receive a copy, please sign up here:
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information Report
For Oldswinford CE Primary School
This report forms part of the Dudley Local Offer for Learners with SEND
Welcome to our SEND information report which is part of the Dudley Local Offer for Learners with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).
At Oldswinford CE Primary School we are committed to working together with all members of our school community. This information has been produced in line with the current SEND Code of Practice 0 -25 Years, September 2014.