Collective Worship
Collective Worship is a central part of every day at Oldswinford. It's a special time when we come together to listen and learn, share and reflect, give praise and thanks, pray and grow spiritually. Worship is led by either staff or children as well as the "Open The Book" team or clergy from St. Mary's Church. We base our worship on the Christian faith and the teachings of Jesus, underpinned by our values and vision. However, we also use this time to learn about and reflect on special days, celebrations, other faiths and influential people and events.
We open each act of worship, with a collective greeting which represents the Holy Trinity:
Open The Book
We are blessed to be visited by the 'Open The Book' team every second Tuesday. We love the way they present stories from the Bible in such an engaging way. The children are always thrilled when they are chosen to play their part too, dressing up as soldiers, crowd members, fishermen, various characters from the Bible and even birds at times!
Our thanks go to John, Alex, Merl, Sue, Stan, Sally, Jo, Eve, Maggie and Marjorie for your commitment and dedication to the children in our school. We appreciate your acting talents and creativity.
After each visit, they leave us with the story, a prayer and some reflections to help us develop our spiritual response:
Noah's Ark
Thank you to the 'Open the Book' team who presented the story of Noah's Ark in Collective Worship. They were assisted by some talented children from Year 2 and Year 5. The props and costumes were amazing but most importantly of all, they gave us plenty to reflect upon.
Whenever you see a rainbow, think about how you can always make a fresh start and the link to our value of forgiveness.
Charlotte requested to lead our whole school worship. Speaking clearly and confidently, she presented a powerpoint and video clip, inspiring us with her strong Christian beliefs and asking us to think about our own perceptions of Christianity. She left us with a challenge to notice when God speaks to us and whether we are listening or not.
Thank you Charlotte for enriching our worship with your faith and courage.