
Oldswinford C of E Primary School

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Oldswinford C of E Primary School

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School Improvement Plan

Every academic year, senior leaders and governors meet to decide the school's priorities for the following 12 months. This is formulated in to a document called the School Improvement Plan (SIP.)


Priorities are chosen based upon the school's needs, progress in particular areas, government initiatives or areas that are distinctive to our school.


All staff have a role in achieving the objectives through a set of actions and criteria that are monitored and evaluated regularly throughout the year by SLT, governors, staff and children.

This year our priorities are:

Key Priority 1: To continue to embed our Christian distinctiveness across our school community 

Key Priority 2: To raise attainment in English across the school.

Key Priority 3: To raise attainment in maths across all year groups

Key Priority 4: Development of Geography and Science and promoting play through OPAL

Key Priority 5: Teaching and Learning - to help children know and remember more

Key Priority 6: To further develop EYFS provision

Key Priority 7: To plan our ICT provision for the next 3 years

Key Priority 8: To further develop our SEND provision



Believe, achieve and shine brighter together.