
Oldswinford C of E Primary School

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Oldswinford C of E Primary School

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Curriculum and Assessment

OCEPS Curriculum Intent and Implementation

Our curriculum is designed to bring our Christian vision to life by providing an engaging, inspiring and purposeful platform to enable everyone at OCEPS to ‘Believe, achieve and shine brighter together’ Our vision drives our curriculum and the decisions we make but we do have 3 golden threads running throughout: reading, diversity and well-being.

  • We strive to promote positive mental health as a priority.
  • As adults, we can all appreciate the wonderful new worlds a book can introduce to us. A love of reading will be fostered at OCESP by sharing carefully chosen texts linked to our topics and learning to celebrate the joy of reading.
  • Diversity runs throughout our curriculum to help our children to appreciate and be thankful for the varied and wonderful world in which we live.

Believe                       ‘Everything is possible for one who believes’      Mark 9:23

As a Church of England school we offer all children an invitation into the Christian faith, a chance for them to develop spiritually as well as intellectually, socially and morally. We want children to believe in their own abilities, to persevere when things are tough and we encourage them to aim high and follow their dreams. We want them to have the confidence to stand up to injustices and to make wise choices.

At OCEPS we do this in our curriculum through:

  • Creative hooks into learning so children are curious to learn more.
  • Encouraging a growth mindset and having prompts up in each classroom.
  • Rewarding children when they try new things and are confident to share their opinions (stickers, class rewards, HT rewards, dojos, certificates, medals, postcards)
  • Encouraging an ‘I can’ attitude.
  • Giving children the chance to talk and share their feelings and opinions in a safe and loving environment.
  • Offering a relationship with the Christian faith
  • Developing curiosity, confidence, self-belief and resilience

Achieve                     ‘Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart’            Colossians 3:23

We have high aspirations for all our learners and believe that every child should have the chance to reach their potential. We recognise that achievements come in many guises and we look to celebrate each child’s individual talents. We want to ensure our children are prepared for the next steps in their learning journey and they have all the skills they need to flourish and be happy.

At OCEPS we do this in our curriculum through:

  • Carefully sequenced units of work which build on prior learning, with a specific focus on oracy, independence, creativity and practical experiences.
  • A broad and balanced curriculum which is underpinned by key knowledge and skills and meets national curriculum expectations.
  • Key learning objectives and questions for each unit of work
  • Mini quizzes/assessment questions within each unit.
  • Linking subjects to ensure learning is connected.
  • Encouraging positive learning behaviours
  • Ensuring children get the opportunity to share their talents

Shine brighter together                ‘Let your light shine for others, so they may see your good works’     Matthew 5:16

We believe that we all belong to one big family and each of us has a special part to play. We understand the need for our children to be responsible citizens especially when caring about our world and the people around us. As individuals we are unique and special but together, with God, we can be exceptional.

At OCEPS we do this in our curriculum through:

  • Our school values: love, trust, generosity, respect, forgiveness, courage and joy.
  • By raising money for charity and/or donating their time and sharing their talents.
  • Through our daily act of worship
  • Through collaborative projects
  • By studying the richness of the history and culture in and around Stourbridge
  • Developing our pupil’s responsibilities as global citizens including links to our work about Fairtrade,
  • Appreciating the little things in life and celebrating the wonders of the world.
  • Ensuring parents feel part of the OCEPS family
  • Enjoying shared experiences and creating shared memories
  • Making sure everyone is included and feels valued.

Please find below our Whole School Curriculum Overview.

Each of these units start with a big question that our children will try and answer fully by the end of the unit.

Green Units have Geography as a focus

Yellow units have History as a focus.

Where possible other subjects link to the topic however they may be taught discreetly if needed. For more information about each subject please visit our curriculum subject pages where you will find more detailed information about the topics taught.


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year 1

Where do I live?


What is the best way to travel?


Why is it called Mary Steven’s Park?

How have holidays changed?


Year 2

Would you rather be a child now or in the Victorian era?

Where are the coldest parts of the world and what would we find there?

Who showed our school values the most?


How do we know about the Great Fire of London and what impact did it have?


How is India special?


Year 3

Who was the most influential monarch?


Why is it called the Black Country?

Why are there so many canals in our region?

Is it better to holiday in the UK or abroad?

Year 4

Where does our food come from and do we all get a fair share?

What is the impact of the Glass Industry in Stourbridge?

What would the world be like if there were no rainforests?


Would you rather be a Hunter/Gatherer a Celt or a Roman?


Year 5

Who were the Egyptians and what was their legacy?



What impact are we having on our planet?


How did the Mayan civilisation compare with life in Britain?

Is Oldswinford good for your mental health?


Year 6

What did the Ancient Greeks do for us?


Where would you prefer to explore – Greek Isles or the British Isles?

Why did other nations invade and settle in Britain?


Why choose to live in a disaster zone?


Pupils leave Oldswinford CE Primary School with a secure understanding of the academic content; with the understanding of how to be socially, morally, spiritually and culturally responsible and aware; how to make positive contributions to the local community and how to endeavour to be the best that they can be. We aim for all of our children to be respectful, courageous, generous, loving, joyful, trustworthy and forgiving with a belief in themselves and others around them.

Believe, achieve and shine brighter together.