
Oldswinford C of E Primary School

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Oldswinford C of E Primary School

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We have been thrilled with the way our new reading records are being used across school and at home. Thank you for all your support. 


There are some of the questions we have been asked...


Can children read other books and write them in their records?

Yes please - the more children read the better!


How often should my child read at home?

Ideally children should read a little bit every night, with older children this could be without an adult but comments should still be written in their records.


What should we write in the record?

It could be a positive praise comment - 'Well done, super reading'

It could also include any words they got stuck on - 'You tried hard to read .... (add words).

It could include any discussion you had - 'We talked about how/why (add character) behaved in the story'

You could write about a favourite part of the story - 'We loved it when...'

You could write about any words you had to discuss - 'We talked about the word (add word). We looked at what it meant and why it had been used.

You could write about any punctuation you noticed.

It could be something they have found difficult and you want to let their teacher know. 


If you need some more help you could pick a question from the front of the record and answer it.


What book band should my child be reading?

Try not to worry about what book band your child is on as long as they are reading a book that is appropriate for their ability. Staff in school will monitor book bands and move children up when it is right to do so. 

Believe, achieve and shine brighter together.