
Oldswinford C of E Primary School

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Oldswinford C of E Primary School

Home Page

Help and Advice

Help and Advice


We are always here to offer a listening ear should you want to speak to someone about any worries or concerns you may have.


The School's Safeguarding Team:


Our Designated Safeguarding Leads are:

Mrs Ellie Game - Lead DSL

Mrs Jo Seker - Deputy DSL

Mrs Fran Wooldridge - Deputy DSL

Mrs Sarah Dunn - Deputy DSL
Miss Rachael Barrows - Deputy DSL


However should you feel more comfortable speaking to someone else please see the contact detail below of various agencies. Or alternatively, if it's during holiday time or relating to a child that doesn't attend this school, please contact:


Children’s services referral and advice service 


0300 555 0050 (9am-5pm Mon – Fri)


Emergency duty team


0300 555 8574 (out of office hours)


...Or call 999 in an emergency



Alternatively you can call Child Line on 0800 111 or visit their website


Family Information Service – 01384 814398


Early Help Service Team can be accessed via 0300 550 0050


Stourbridge Children’s and Family Centre – 01384 818866


Dudley Young Carers – 01384 212822


FGM advice and information for young people visit - or download the Petals app on your mobile device.



Believe, achieve and shine brighter together.