How Can My Child Become A Pupil at Oldswinford?
The Head Teacher regularly conducts tours of our school for potential parents and pupils. We strongly advise that you visit all schools that you are considering applying to, in order to determine whether the school's ethos, priorities and atmosphere matches your child's needs. Our parent tours are very popular and informative and we welcome everybody who is interested in viewing our school to contact the school office (01384 818790) to book an appointment in plenty of time before the closing date for admissions. Additionally, if you are considering changing your child's school, you are also encouraged to come and visit us, bringing your child with you so that you can make a well-informed decision.
Oldswinford Church of England Primary School is part of Dudley Local Education Authority, and it is through the authority that applications for places at our school must be registered. The School Admissions Service is the main point of contact relating to all matters concerning school admissions and the admission appeals process. The Service administers the arrangements for children starting primary school and for children transferring from primary to secondary school. Parents who wish to transfer between schools should contact the service for advice on 01384 814233.
The document below advises on Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council’s (the ‘Local Authority’) process regarding educating pupils outside of their chronological year group. This relates to children where a request is received for them to be educated outside of their normal age range year group; that is that they are educated in the year group below, or the year group above, their chronological age.
In Year Admissions: