
Oldswinford C of E Primary School

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Oldswinford C of E Primary School

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Parent Pray-ers

Just to let you know that as part of our commitment to prayer and worship as a school community, we now have a prayer request jar in the school foyer. If you have any requests that you would like our parent-pray-ers to include in their prayers, please feel free to put a note in the jar (there are some prayer request slips and envelopes next to the jar). Your prayer request can contain as much or as little information as you like, even just one word, and of course all requests will be treated in confidence. It could be that you are concerned about a sick relative, or would like prayer for a decision you are facing, or even something that you are thankful for โ€“ theyโ€™re happy to have them all! There are also some little slips of paper next to the prayer request jar with verses of encouragement from the Bible โ€“ if you would like to take one of these away with you please do.

Also, just a reminder that our parent pray-ers would love it if there are other parents/carers/grandparents from our school community who would like to join them on their prayer walk, they would be more than welcome! Anyone interested in joining our parent pray-ers can meet them outside the main school entrance/foyer straight after dropping off their children on a Tuesday morning. Alternatively, if you are interested but would like to find out more information, please contact the school office and they will put you in touch with our parent pray-ers
Believe, achieve and shine brighter together.