
Oldswinford C of E Primary School

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Oldswinford C of E Primary School

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Living out our values

This half term, we have been focusing on the values of compassion and honesty. 

It has been so heartening to see the children living out their values in all sorts of ways. From the compassion they showed to those less fortunate than ourselves at harvest, to the compassion they show towards each other every day, it is evident that they have all grown spiritually. The 'Open The Book' Team presented the story of The Good Samaritan and one of our favourite assembly clips was about a baby elephant in trouble. It demonstrated how animals can also understand the suffering of others and come together to help.


The honesty flower featured in one of our assemblies and helped to remind children that 'honesty is the best policy.' Our children are increasingly growing in courage as they own up when they have made a mistake and in the story of "The Truth Seeds" we saw how the one who was honest was the one who was duly rewarded.


Please take some time to share  other Bible stories on the theme of honesty and compassion with your children, to strengthen the impact of our values work and school ethos. Some suggestions include: The Good Samaritan; The Loaves and The Fishes; Jacob & Esau;  Zacchaues; The Prodigal Son; The Unmerciful Servant.

Believe, achieve and shine brighter together.