
Oldswinford C of E Primary School

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Oldswinford C of E Primary School

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SIAMS Inspection

"The schools Christian vision is firmly embedded and lived out by all members of the school community. This results in innovative and imaginative practice that enables all pupils to flourish and transforms their lives.'

'Staff go above and beyond to give pupils the individual love and care they need to flourish.'

SIAMS inspection October 2022


As a Church of England School, we are inspected every five years. On 6th October 2022, we had our most recent 'Statutory Inspections Of Anglican and Methodist Schools' (SIAMS) inspection and were delighted with the report which judged us to be an excellent church school.


Having spoken in depth to the children, staff, governors and parents, observed Collective Worship, interviewed the Head as well as analysing standards and inspecting a wealth of documentary evidence, the inspector highlighted the following strengths of our school:


  • The schools Christian vision is firmly embedded and lived out by all members of the school community. This results in innovative and imaginative practice that enables all pupils to flourish and transforms their lives.
  • Leaders are inspirational in the way in which they deliver the Christian message through nurture, compassion and tailored provision. Consequently, pupils behaviour is excellent and they are empowered to reach their full potential.
  • Caring and loving relationships underpin the mental health, wellbeing and security that enable all to give of their best. Pupils feel empowered to advocate on behalf of others.
  • Collective worship is inspirational and at the heart of school life. It contributes deeply to the spiritual development of both pupils and adults. This means that pupils reflect deeply and respond maturely to big questions.
  • Inspirational religious education (RE) lessons result in pupils thinking deeply about theological issues. Passionate leadership supports excellent teaching, consequently, all pupils make exceptional progress and a highly enthusiastic about RE.



The following areas were identified as a focus for improvement:


  • Cultivate opportunities for Oldswinford to promote excellence across the diocese and farther so flourishing occurs beyond the school.
  • Continue to strengthen diversity across the curriculum to enable a deeper understanding of other cultures. 




Believe, achieve and shine brighter together.