
Oldswinford C of E Primary School

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Oldswinford C of E Primary School

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What we do to safeguard children...


Oldswinford CE Primary is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and young people both within the school environment and outside. Because of our day-to-day contact with children and young people, education staff are particularly well placed to observe outward signs of abuse, changes in children’s behaviour or their failure to develop. We need therefore 'to be alert to the possibility of abuse occurring, and be aware of the procedures to be followed if you have suspicions and have the confidence to follow those procedures.' [Child Protection Policy]


A Safeguarding Team has been created at Oldswinford to ensure that we are fully compliant and at all times we are protecting, to the best of our ability the children in our school.


The team is responsible for;


  • Completing various recruitment checks and induction of staff, agency staff, students, governors and volunteers.
  • Site Security, this includes visitors system, issuing of ID badges, key control measures, risk assessments of any visitors and the safety checking of outside equipment. It also includes the reviewing of fire procedures, fire drills, emergency planning and business continuity planning.
  • Ensuring the most up to date policies are being adhered to and are circulated to staff regularly.
  • Arranging regular staff training and circulating safeguarding updates to staff, governors, volunteers and students, and keeping records of all training.
  • Checking that all staff, agency staff, governors, volunteers and visitors have the appropriate checks completed before entering the school.
  • Following procedures for visitors and ensuring they are complaint in accordance to the policies.
  • Ensure record keeping is secure for personal information and correct procedures are followed as set by the Local Authority and Information Governance.
Our Designated Safeguarding Leads are:


Mrs Ellie Game - Lead DSL

Mrs Jo Seker - Deputy DSL

Mrs Fran Wooldridge- Deputy DSL

Mrs Sarah Dunn - Deputy DSL

Miss Rachael Barrows - Deputy DSL

Mrs Debbie Kirby - Deputy DSL


Meetings are held between Ellie Game, Fran Wooldridge and Alan Gilhooley (Safeguarding Governor) on a regular basis to ensure that procedures are being followed by the school and for Mr Gilhooley to be able to update the other Governors to the practices carried out by the school in order to keep our children safe in school.


To view our Safeguarding policies, please refer to the Policy section on the website.


Pupil Voice (January 2023)

We asked a range of pupils from Year 1-6:

  • 100% said they were happy at school and felt safe (We have the fire alarm to protect us, the gates are locked, teachers are here to protect us)
  • All children asked said they knew what to do if they were worried about something (talk to teachers, trusted adult, friends, worry monster, parents)
  • All children asked could say how they keep themselves safe online (report, block, don’t give out personal information, check with parents, look at kids things only, don’t accept pop ups or messages from people you don’t know)


When we asked about behaviour they said:


‘Behaviour is very good’

‘Most children are good but some can be rough on the playground’

Children were able to share a long list of rewards (dojos, medals, postcards home, stickers, spelling trophy, maths wispa gold, badges, raffle tickets, star in the jar, 'starbooks' and other reading incentives, tea party, values pebbles, extra playtimes)

Children were able to share that poor behaviour choices were always dealt with (consequences, sent to other teacher, asked why, positive charts, speak to parents, speak to them, miss playtimes, reflection time/time out, firm instructions, told no)

Believe, achieve and shine brighter together.